Blog #8: Anti War

In order for two countries to go to war with each other they have to have a reason why they are fighting with each other. The reason why we stepped into WWII was because of Pearl Harbor in December of 1941, or when we enter the war in Afghanistan because of 9/11. These are reason why America went to war, but what happens when your government doesn't really have a reason to why they are in Vietnam. That is when Anti-war comes into play. During the Vietnam war there where may Americans that opposed the war because it was unwinnable and felt like there was no point in fighting the war. In an article from US History, of 10 years there were 30,000 protest around the country of the United States. That is a lot of people who disagree about fighting a war.

There where anti war protest for the Afghanistan war as well. In an article from The Guardian, in Britain  there where about 20,000 people joined the anti war protest against the United States and their allies.Anti war is usually demonstrated when people with in the country do not believe that they should be fighting in that war. To conclude this blog post, it is very important that countries state their reason to their people on why they are entering a war. It is important because protest can turn in to violence and we don't want protest that are violate because people can get hurt and die from that. It is also important because people shouldn't be sent to another country to go fight a war if they don't have a reason worth fighting for. When a country goes to war it's not just there government that's fighting the war, it's the people as well.


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