Blog#4: EOTO The IPOD


The technology company Apple has been around for a long time. For the past 20 years that I have been living, I have seen an Apple product everywhere. In my family house hold, everybody has an Iphone and a MacBook which tells you how much Apple has impacted my family and the way we use technology. Apple has came out with so much technology that so many people use today like the Iphone, Ipad, and the MacBook's which a lot of students at High Point University have as well. Apple is a big company that has gone on to do a lot of life changing things but the Apple product that I'm going to talk about is a product that lots of people have forgotten about because of Apples growth with in the world. The product is called the Ipod. Many of you have heard of it, but it is not as popular anymore because of the Iphone. The reason why the Iphone is more popular now is because it is a phone and a ipod combine into one. The first Ipod came out into 2001 when Apple was in serious need of a new technology product. The reason why is because apple was on the verge of going bankrupt. Surprising right? Back in the 90s, Apple was not like it is today. Their technology was not improving and they needed a product that was going to uplift the company. In 1996, Steve Jobs made a return to Apple to help turn around the company. The IMac came out in 1997 which did pretty well, but what really got them back on track was the very first Ipod. 

Back in the 90s, music wasn't as easy to get and also no company really had a device that was easily portable. Back then there where products like the CD player, mp3 CD player, Flash player, and the hard drive that where portable, but these products could not hold a lot of songs. The MP3 player could hold about 150 songs and the hard drive could hold 1,000 songs but they weren't easily portable. With the Flash player and the CD player you could only hold up to 15 songs which is not a lot of songs. The thing about the Ipod that separated itself from those devices, is that with Ipod you could hold 1,000 song on the device and it was easily portable. The first Ipod was about the size of a deck of cards which meant you can put the devise in your pocket with no problems. Therefor, now it's easier to go on a run and listen to music and it's easier to walk in general and listen to music. This was not only big for apple but it was big for the world, because you can fit your whole music library in one device that was small and had more storage. Before Ipod, you would probably have so many CDs in your car or at home, but with Ipod you can have less CDs because of the device. 

According to this article by Daniel Eran Dilger , Apple had sold 125,000 units of the device. Then later on in 2003, Apple came out with another Ipod that was lighter and held 200,000 song on the device. This technology company changed the way portable music is used and the way we listen to music for ever. With out Apple and people like Steve Jobs, music may have never been listen to like it is today. In todays world it is not complicated at all to listen to music. You can just pull out your smart phone and play music threw Imusic, Spotify, or SoundCloud. With out Apple these three music platforms would have never existed. Studying the Ipod taught me that the way we listen to music today is much easier than it was 20 years ago and thats why I say that Apple changed the way music is today. 


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