Blog #6: Diffusion Theory

Technology is a very important key factor in everyday life in most parts of the world and is getting better and better everyday. For instants, technology has put businesses out of business. Like for example, Blockbuster use to sell and rent DVDs for movies and short clips. They where once a very well known company. When Netflix came on to the scene and got bigger and bigger, they ended up making Blockbuster file for bankruptcy in 2010. The reason why was because Netflix was changing the way we watch movies today. Netflix started out with DVDs, but then made a very popular streaming service so that people can watch movies threw their technology device, rather than going out and buying or renting a movie on a DVD. Netflix's is one of the reasons why technology is developing in the world we live in today. With out technology there would be no Netflix and there would be a lot of problems in the world, because technology is how we stay connected with each other. If you don't use technology in the world today, then it's going to be hard to keep up with what's going on in the world and your surroundings. It is also fun to see how technology is developing each and everyday, but is that a good thing though? That leaves us with the Diffusion Theory.

What is the Diffusion Theory?

    The Diffusion Theory was created by Everett Rogers who was a sociologist that studied communications. Theory studies how fast technology, products, and ideas are spread in society. For example, people may have acquired Netflix faster that they did DVD'S because of the cost or flexibility that the product offers. These are the kind of things that the Diffusion Theory goes over. It studies how how fast and how slow new technology ideas or products spread around the world.

What purpose does the Diffusion Theory serve?

    This study can show us how technology has come so far. In today's world we take a lot of things for granted and this theory shows us that technology was not always this powerful. For example, music was not always so easy to access. Back in the 90s it would take minutes to download a song, now it only takes seconds. Also in todays world we have streaming platforms that we can watch in the comfort of our own home, but before that we you would have to go out and buy or rent a DVD to watch a movie. Technology is growing ladies and gentlemen, and it growing quick. What else are we going to see? Are we going to see Movie Theatres disappear or are we going to see libraries and book stores go out of business? That is why the Diffusion Theory is important. It can show us what big thing is coming next and how it is going to effect the economy.  This theory helps us understand the steps we took to get to this era of technology.


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