EOTO: Mainstream Media (MSM)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 So what is Mainstream media (MSM). Well, MSM is new and information the grabs the majority of our societies attention. Events that are covered from mainstream media is the Presidential election, Olympics, and the Oscars and so much more. In other words main stream media covers news that is popular and has lots of people keeping up with the story. Popular news networks that consist of MSM is Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CBS News, ABC, and others. These five networks that I just named are know for talking about American politics, which is popular because people like to know what is going on in this country and is getting more popular because of the pandemic and racial inequality problems that we are seeing taking place in this country. People want to know how are government works and that is why these networks are so popular. 

What are ways to access MSM?

In an article from Maryville University, talks about the history of MSM. Before technology was so popular, the way of getting access to MSM was by four sources. The sources were Newspapers, Magazines, radio, and television. Now that technology has expanded tremendously you can access MSM  all on your smart phone. There are sources like social media, podcast, AM/FM Radio, Satellite Radio, and of course we still have TV but now you can access TV on your phone. In the world we live in today there is unlimited ways that you can access MSM. 

How is MSM good for our country? 

    An article by Walden University shares the pros and cons of MSM. One reason why mainstream media is good is because, it is a big platform that gets news and information out to the people. Before the 1920s, lots of people where going threw life not knowing anything that was going on around them. For example, if COVID-19 took place before the 1920s, lots of people would not know that a deadly virus was going around everywhere, also people wouldnt know if there was a vaccine that can protect us from the virus, and people wouldn't know what precautions to take in order to stay safe during the pandemic. With MSM, we can get all of that information within moments of when it's released.
    Another thing that is good about MSM is that it can give people a voice. Now that social media is big people have the opportunity to voice how they feel and share to the world their opinions on certain issue within the world. For instant when we saw in 2020 with the whole George Floyd incident. Not a lot of people knew how much of a racial inequality problem we have in this country. With MSM we can see how people fell and see situation where racial inequality is taking place.

How is MSM bad for our country?

    MSM is a good way to get news and information from but make sure to be careful because there are still ways that MSM can release information thats not accurate. For instants, the network CNN is know for being on the liberal side of our political system in the United States and Fox News is known for being on the conservative side. Most democrats and liberals watch CNN and most republicans and conservatives watch Fox's News. These two networks are known for being bias towards Liberals and Conservatives, which means one networks is going to give you information that is from a Conservatives point of view (Fox News) and another is going to give you a liberals point of view (CNN). The reason why this is an issue is because both side are to biases towards their beliefs which can sometimes make them change change the story to away that makes them live up to the liberal or conservative name. Therefore, that's why it is important to make sure that one network is not being too liberal or too conservative in order to get the truth.

    Another issue that is bad about MSM is that it is based off money. MSM gives a lot of people the chance to voice their opinion, but when you have more money than you're likely to have your story heard way more than the average person. This can empower the rich which is unfair and can destroy our democracy in this country. 

Other ways of getting news and information

In conclusion, Mainstream media is very important in the world we live in today. There are good things and bad thing about it. Even though MSM is good it is not all that bad to take a look at Alternative media as well. With Alternative media you can get News and information that can be less biases and more neutral which can give you the truth of the story, and the truth is very important. Alternative Media might be less powerful than MSM but that doesn't mean that their news and information is not accurate. When we watch the news, we want the truth and nothing but the truth. Alternative and Mainstream are sources that we should all take a look at for good news and information. 


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