Blog #2: The Supreme Court


    The Supreme Court is the highest court in the Federal Judiciary system in the United States. They only take around 80 cases per year and it's really hard for an average human being to get there case taken all the way to the Supreme Court. There are 9 active members on the supreme court, going back till 1991 when Clarence Thomas took his seat and the latest member that was appointed was Amy Coney Barrett. All of the members have been appointed by past president George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald J. Trump. 

 The supreme court usually takes cases that are serious and have a lot of media attention surrounding the case, so when you see people in the malls or the grocery store handing out pamphlets about a certain case, they are trying to building up media attention, so that if need be, they can have a chance to take that specific case to the supreme court. Before getting to the supreme court there are two other courts that you case must pass threw, the district court and the appellate court. The district court is that first on that you must pass in order to get to the appellate court. If you get to the appellate court, they are going to look back at your case at the district court to make sure that there was no mistakes, or in other words, make sure that you had due process. Due process means that you had formal court proceedings during your case. The if you get your cases taken all the way to the supreme court then the supreme court is going to look back at your case from the appellate courts to make sure that you had constitutionality

Growing up I didn't really know what the Supreme Court was. I have heard of if but i never really knew what it was about until Amy Coney Barrett got appointed by Donald Trump in 2020. She took that seat after the sad passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The media and everyone else was saying that she was a not a good fit to have a seat on the supreme court. The biggest thing I learn during that media drama was that I didn't know that there was 9 member of the supreme court and in other words 9 Judges. I only thought there was one leader with other members apart of the court. The video in class gave me a bigger prospective of what the supreme court is and how important your case has to be in order to get your case taken all the way there. Before I thought the supreme court was a committee that just made laws for our country, and that shows you that I really didn't pay no mind or even cared about what the supreme court was. Now I know that this court is the highest of the high. If your case doesn't go well in the supreme court it is over and not even that, your case has to be tremendously "eye lifting" to in this society.

What I took away out of learning about the supreme court was that the supreme court can take years to get too. The supreme court gets over 8,000 appeals each year. That means 8,000 people want their case to be herd in the supreme court and remember, they only choose around 80 cases per year, so that's very small number out of cases they choose from. That's why there are a lot of people locked up in a penitentiary system because it can take years or decades until you even have the opportunity for the supreme court to hear your case and more than half of the time they'll decline it because they think it's not that much of an important case. That what surprises me. There is a very low chance of you as an average citizen getting your case herd by the Supreme Court, so make sure that your case has meaning and serves purpose to society.


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