Blog# 1: 5 top sources of News and Information


    There are many places in the world today where you can get information or news. Before I talk about my five source of information and news, I just want to point out the variety of topics that require news and information. Topics like are Sports, Politics, Entertainment, and so forth. The three topics that I just named are three topics that I personally like information and news from. 

The first source that I am going to address is ESPN. This sport network that was founded in the late 70s and has been around and growing ever since. ESPN stands for Entertainment Sport Programming Network, which means this particular network covers all sports in the entire world. ESPN is one of the top networks for sports which include talkshows, highlights of games, and actual sports games. This networks has some legends that have made a name for them selves with this network like Stephen A. Smith, Dan Patrick, Keith Olberman, and so much more. These people are now celebrities because of their work at ESPN and some are still with ESPN and others moved on to experience other things. ESPN is a very popular network across the globe and has been for quite some time. The reason why I chooses this for one of my sources is because this network really knows capture the excitement of sports and I believe without ESPN sport would never be the way it is today.

When talking about politics and how to get information and news about it there is a lot of sources, like Fox News, MSNBC, HLN, and more. The next source that am going to talk about is CNN. CNN was founded in 1980 and has their headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. This network covers world events but their main focus is on American politics. This network has talkshows that have big named host like Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, and more. This network is known for being a liberal network which means that their network are in favour of democrats over republicans most times. Even though republicans love to slam CNN any chance they get I believe that CNN is a reliable source of information. At times they maybe a little too liberal but most of the time they give the truth. 

One very easy source of getting news and information is threw social media. In todays world, these social media platforms like twitter, facebook, snapchat, and others have gotten so big that they have figured out a way for their platforms to deliver information and news. Therefor, the next source of news and information that I would like to talk about is Instagram. Instagram was founded in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and two years later sold the platform to facebook for $1 billion dollars. The reason why I say this is a source for news and information is because Networks like CNN and ESPN have accounts on their platform and they post some of their news on their Instagram page, which makes Instagram a source for news and information. Not only does networks have accounts on Instagram but journalist and reporters do as well which makes it even more easier to get information.


Don't we all love to know what's going on in celebrities lives. Some celebrities have a life style that some  people in this world wish they can have. One great source to keep up with them would be "E!" which stands for Entertainment. E! is a cable network that was founded in 1987 and focuses on pop culture, celebrities life styles, and movies. This cable network has reality TV shows and News around the entertainment industry. One of the famous tv series that they stream on their network is "The Kardashians" which a lot of people know about even if they don't watch the show. This network tries to really show the life of a celebrity as best as they can so that their viewers can see what their life is all about. Sometimes it can get dramatic, but other times it gives reasonable information and news about celebrities. 

The final source that I would like to share is Google. Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google is the biggest search browser in the world right now and it is so huge that it has ties with the Government. The reason why I saved this for last is because almost everybody in the world uses google once a day. With Google you can look up anything that comes to your mind so when you need information on something or you want to know something thats in the news, google is right there. Without Google it would be so hard to find information and news in the world and google helps make our lives easier. Back in the old days you would have to read the newspaper or look it up in the dictionary. Now there is google where you don't need to spend so much time looking up a word in the dictionary. You can just type it in. Google changed the internet in ways that we couldn't even imagine, but be care because google maybe big but it knows everything. 



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